Travels - The Red Center, a rebellious outlaw

Travels - The Red Center, a rebellious outlaw

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By the late 19th century nearly two-thirds of Australia remained unexplored. The
oldest continent on earth seemed to have evolved an ability to repel adventurers for
longer than almost anywhere else on earth. It was almost as if the unreachable
center was taunting the cities developing around its perimeter. But the tranquillity
would not last forever… It was in 1860, after several unfortunate attempts, when J.
McDouall Stuart, led the first successful expedition to cross the Australian mainland
from south to north and return, through the centre of the continent.Together with our good friends Loz and Alex at Will & Bear, we hit the road and cruised through the MacDonnell National Park to adventure first hand in The Red Center wilderness and it did not disappoint…                                    Epic sunrises & sunsets, jaw-dropping landscapes, blood red dirt trekkings, dingoes, brumbies, bonfires, good mates… you name it!

The Red Center, a rebellious outlaw that refused to be parcelled up and tied down in a map by lines of latitude and longitude. 

“Let any man lay the map of Australia before him, and regard the blank upon its surface, and then let me ask him if it would not be an honourable achieve to be the first to place foot in its centre” - honourable achievement.

What a great journey, 
Let’s keep the story going…