Weekender - An Unyoked experience

Weekender - An Unyoked experience

There is a calling within all of us, to take a step back from this crazy, continuous, fast-paced life so many of us live. Maybe it isn’t so much the speed, but rather the routine and repetitiveness we’re constantly faced with each day. Or perhaps, it is the memory of a younger, more care-free time; a time in which we used our imaginations to explore our backyards or built forts in our living rooms. Whatever the case, we can’t deny the opportunity to switch off, to simplify, be surrounded by nature and have only the minimum comforts necessary lures us.  

We left on a Friday morning to venture into country Victoria. It would seem we were truly heading off grid! Only two hours west of Melbourne, we found ourselves passing rolling farm hills and quaint little country towns. Our location, was only provided the day before.. a basic detailed map showing the exact location of our tiny home escape.

We finally reached the closest town of Avoca. The main highway road flowed into its main street with two standout pubs and only the basic buildings. From here, it was a series of quiet side roads passing through vineyards and wineries. Mount Avoca loomed nearby. 
The location of the cabin was well thought out.. close enough to the “real world” yet far enough away to feel all those wilderness feels. The airs fresh, there is no sound of human life and nature is all around.

Excited to explore our 3x5m home for the next two nights it definitely gave off the vibe 
“this-is-actually-all-I-need-in-life.  With a simplified living and only the necessary possessions, you're left with a lot more time for enjoyment. Inside the cabin, it was exactly what’s needed to switch off. A ridiculously comfortable bed, books, board games and a well-stocked kitchen. Oh, and wine.

Another addition to the true sense of being out-there-in-nature, is the fact that the cabin is off grid. While being bear foot outdoors taking in the serenity, it literally leaves only a little footprint.. The cabin’s electricity is provided by solar panels on its roof, while the water is collected from rainfall. This was pretty cool.. Tick, feeling those humble, sustainable, minimal impact feels..

From here, it was pretty simple. Forgetting about those commitments of the outside world, all that was left was to unwind, get cozy, enjoy the disconnection, and reconnect with yourself and nature.